Our logo for Camelot Intermediate School refers to
students’ quest for success through
To help guide our students on this quest we have
developed a Camelot Letter Program where students can voluntarily take an active
role in the community by identifying a need, planning what they can do (in
collaboration with important adults in their lives, and perhaps with other
students who also want to work on the project), actually putting in a minimum of
5-7 hours outside of their classroom time to accomplish the project, and then
writing a short reflection and evaluation of what they did in order to earn each
The letters to be earned
and the teacher advisors for each include:
(citizenship focus)
Mrs. Balsiger, Mrs. Anderson
(responsibility focus)
Ms. Miles,
Mr. Rasmussen
(trustworthiness/honesty focus)
Mr. Hauge, Ms. DeKraai
(perseverance/self-discipline focus)
Ms. Hofer, Ms. Croymans
(respect/fairness focus)
Ms. Moran, Mr. Stolt
(caring focus)
Mrs. Newman, Mr. Flint
(courage focus)
Mrs. Books, Mrs. Parmely
Students will periodically have some time in
Guidance Class to learn about possible projects and discuss various
community needs, but they are encouraged to plan letter projects at any
time on their own.
After writing down their plan on the
form available from the school counselor, they will need to get approval
from the listed Camelot advisor. They will be given an
Action form which
requires signatures from their parent/guardian and the adult supervisor
with whom they will be working.
The supervisor will be asked to verify the
log of project hours each time the student makes an entry on what was
done and the amount of time it took.
When the project has been completed, the
student will write the Reflection and
Evaluation on the back side before
turning the finished project paperwork in to the school counselor. |
click on the picture to find all the forms to complete a Camelot letter.